Certificate Authority WiR

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By issuing the original registration document                  


The document is provided with:

  • QR code of the page where the subject is registered
  • unmistakable meta data content

The Original Document request is generated by the client in the WiR system .



The certificate is modified, authorized and sent to the client's address


Authorized certification of WiR , selected items suitable for collectors' boxes





box popis1


1. QR code for WiR search


( WiR ID search )



box popis


1. st year of mintage


2. material


3. condition


4. performed verification - types




- c. U.O.P.


5. embossing


6. name


7. WiR ID - registration number in the WiR system





WiR certification . Originally taken over from the manufacturer.



provided by a recognized authority

forensic expert ,, FW ,,, 

international professional authority : ,, NGC , PCGS, ANACS, ICG, GENI EXPERT, CHNCG ,,

* ratings are added in a copy to the WiR ID system for the subject!


  1. R.ONLY

registration without direct evaluation. The subject is photographed in detail and becomes unmistakable with the assigned unique WiR ID .

Any additional authorized evaluation is entered in the course card under the WiR ID for the course.

An additional original WiR document can be printed with the rating changed.


  1. U.O.P.

unverified rating from the owner - a professional

Only on the basis of a written affidavit which is deposited with the WiR ID . The assessor must be a person known - an expert in the field. If a discrepancy between its evaluation and authority is subsequently found, it is registered under the WiR ID !

If the WiR Certification Authority has doubts about the degree of the delivered rating, the U.O.P. is marked with the mark No. R.ONLY


Authorized WiR certification .

The WiR CA performs a separate entry in the WiR system under a unique ID.

- the subject is photographed in detail

- a unique WiR ID is assigned and a subject card is created

- the item can be placed in a collector's box

- a certified authorized registration document with the possibility of online verification is issued.

- a certified proof of ownership is created

- possibility to hand over the complete history of the item at the time of sale (the new owner will simply take over the ID in the WiR system with a complete history)

- in case of theft, the object can be marked as stolen and its description and photo can be displayed publicly





  • the client sends the item for certification
  • for example, the coin is photographed, described according to the client's data and included in the WiR system
  • the coin bears the original certificate or:

according to the client's choice, it can be inserted into the collector's coin box with a link to the WiR search by WiR ID .


Certification at the client (VIP service)

  • WiR will perform certification at the client


Do not hesitate to contact us for questions


in cooperation

Institute of Forensic Analysis, 

File number C 339171 / MSPH Municipal Court in Prague

Identification number 09625275

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