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nft verification cj


ORDER NEW NFT  genuide_eco_nft

WiR verifier's NFTs are not connected to crypto wallets, they do not burden the environment with mining!


owner of an item not registered in the World International Register system (first registration)

procedure for own NFT

  • orders NFT via eShop
  • chooses the type of registration in the system "full account" or "anonymous account"
  • sends text and information about the subject for which he wants a new NFT to the administrator's email /* if the subject is already registered in the system, only sends its ID


  • name or marking
  • author
  • description
  • the maximum number of NFTs he wants to issue ! In the future, the verifier will issue only the first listed and published number of NFTs. !
  • will send a photo of the original for NFT
  • sends item for Token /* high resolution photo, original video file, etc.


  • accompanying text


  • accepts the order by email
  • registers the owner in the system "full" or "anonymous"
  • will issue a certificate of owner
  • registration registers the subject /* if it has not been registered in the system before
  • will generate NFT
  • it links the owner, the certificate, the original and each new NFT
  • provides NFT metadata
  • will generate C-NFT
  • will perform backup verification at the Institute of Forensic Analysis
  • sends the C-NFT to the owner
  • sends NFT with provided metadata
  • stores the original / copy of the NFT on the internal blockchain

every other change that the owner makes is automatically recorded in the NFT and C-NFT metadata when the NFT is moved.


owner of an item registered in the World International Register system 

procedure for own NFT

  • orders NFT via eShop
  • confirm your ID
  • sends text and information about the subject for which he wants a new NFT to the administrator's email /* if the subject is already registered in the system, only sends its ID


  • name or marking
  • author
  • description
  • the maximum number of NFTs he wants to issue ! In the future, the verifier will issue only the first listed and published number of NFTs. !
  • will send a photo of the original for NFT
  • sends item for Token /* high resolution photo, original video file, etc.


  • accompanying text


  • accepts the order by email
  • will verify the owner in the system
  • updates the owner registration certificate
  • will issue a certificate of owner
  • registration registers the subject /* if it has not been registered in the system before
  • will generate NFT
  • it links the owner, the certificate, the original and each new NFT
  • provides NFT metadata
  • will generate C-NFT
  • will perform backup verification at the Institute of Forensic Analysis
  • sends the C-NFT to the owner
  • sends NFT with provided metadata
  • stores the original / copy of the NFT on the internal blockchain

every other change that the owner makes is automatically recorded in the NFT and C-NFT metadata when the NFT is moved.


possibilities of using NFT, C-NFT

You can directly offer NFT unencumbered by a crypto wallet via C-NFT

C-NFT in digital form:

  • You can place C-NFT in digital form directly on your online market, gallery
  • You can place C-NFT in digital form on other people's sales galleries and markets

C-NFT in physical printed form:

  • you can place directly next to the original work for which you are offering NFT
  • you can place the original with the clone as proof of ownership /*for example to print the clone, or use the video file in physical form


change of owner of NFT

any change is verified in the internal system and prescribed in the metadata for NFT and C-NFT updates

validation is performed by the Institute of Forensic Analyzes and recorded on V-NFT "Verification NFT"

NFT is re-registered

the new owner will receive the current C-NFT with the metadata control chain for their use

genuide_eco_nft Changes are made only when there is a factual change. Zero burden on the crypto digital environment is in milliseconds for the prescription of new data.


create eco NFT 1pcs



Supervision of Tokens

Institute of Forensic Analysis

register an account with the World International Register WiR®


fully identified account


anonymous account - security protocol

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