Eco NFT non-fudgible token

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Genuide Eco NFT

  • NFT "non-fungible token" can be issued for any works of art, objects, any intellectual property, documents, certificates, valuables, video file, sound recording, text, building, sculpture, email, etc.
  • WiR verifier NFT tokens are created by depositors' authorization and linked to the blockchain.
  • NFT tokens of the WiR verifier are generated and traded without the need for a crypto wallet and the payment of crypto generation fees.
  • This makes the price of NFT generation significantly lower than that of an NFT tied only to crypto wallets.

 genuide_eco_nft WiR NFT Verifier handles NFTs outside of crypto wallets!

  • NFT, outside of crypto wallets, only performs the absolutely necessary blockchain chain ID registration of the verifier and owners. It is always a one-time ID entry and modification of the C-NFT at the time of the specific change. Only seconds processes on energy-free technology. C-NFTs can be used in physical form outside of the digital environment, without the need for energy.
  • NFT tied only to crypto wallets are energy-intensive, perform repeated, multiple and always chained blockchain recording and use mined crypto-currencies, also with high energy consumption.
  • The NFT token contains the history of the owners (digital identification ID) and forms a complete and unmistakable series from the date of insertion of the original from which the NFT is based.
  • The NFT token allows you to confirm the ownership rights and non-fungibility of the NFT token according to the record on the blockchain, it contains unique and pairing data.
  • Tokens make it possible to multiply existing original works with unique variants in digital form. One original, limited number of digital NFTs.
  • NFTs are stored directly on the blockchain of the verifier and directly chained entities, without the need for a crypto wallet.
  • an unlimited payment type can be used to generate NFTs outside of cryptocurrencies, as well as for buying and selling.
  • NFTs outside of crypto wallets can be offered by a holder or merchant within their own offerings, without the need to use third-party marketplaces.
  • NFT through C-NFT has wider trading possibilities even outside the digital environment.
  • NFTs outside of cryptocurrencies are not at risk from the collapse of digital currencies or security breaches of crypto wallets.
  • Control over the NFT remains fully in the hands of the owner, who can offer the NFT directly physically at the exposed original via C-NFT.
  • NFT outside of crypto wallets creates a blockchain entry in the chain of the verifier and in the NFT of directly interested entities. Every new transaction with NFT is recorded and digitized. In the process, a verifiable C-NFT is created, which is supplemented by a validator with every recorded and saved change. At the same time, control copies are created in the possession of the owners of NFT, C-NFT, V-NFT.
  • NFT certificates in digital or printed form identify and enable direct control of the NFT token, they contain, for example: NFT ID, NFT QR code on the blockchain, QR code of the original on the blockchain.
  • In digital form, a copy of the certificate is placed on the blockchain under the token ID, and the certificate can be an attachment in the online environment (for example, in your own gallery).
  • In printed form, it can be part of the original, or created NFT in the real world. For example, with the right to 1 piece of self-printing of an image NFT token, it can be an addition to the exhibited image and unquestionably refers to the ownership right of the NFT token (both in digital and printed form). It is a form of signature with the possibility of immediate verification by a verifier via an online environment.
  • The verifier is able to determine at any time whether the C-NFT is being used legitimately.
  • C-NFT contains: NFT ID, NFT QR code on the WiR blockchain, QR code of the original on the WiR blockchain.
  • V-NFTs are a verification copy of valid NFT crypto data with full NFT data content.
  • The Token is still tradable, every change is recorded on the WiR blockchain directly to the Token. In digital form, the C-NFT contains valid rows, affected IDs and other metadata.

sample C-NFT, QR code for NFT and original cards

NFT 6027772988 C-NFT-01 

  • The author of the subject or the owner of the original decides to generate a new NFT.
  • A fixed maximum number of NFTs must be set for NFT issuance. The number of NFTs to generate will be recorded on the blockchain.
  • The NFT number is entered under the ID of the original at the verifier.
  • Each NFT issued is unique and separately registered with a link to the original.
  • Each NFT contains information about the right to use.


Supervision of Tokens

Institute of Forensic AnalysisFile number C 339171 / MSPH, Identification number 09625275

create eco NFT 1pcs



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