Price list

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price list of individual services

Wir International Register . org

user registration FREE
item registration FREE
updating the person's data FREE
updating subject data FREE
removing the item FREE
reporting the item as stolen FREE
online gallery start 1$
certificate generation 1$
supplementing the portfolio (certificate) FREE
gallery customization, 2 hours of work $25
IT work as desired, 2 hours of work $25
VIP gallery, 16 hours of IT work $199 
work IT full service 16 hours $199
cancellation of the gallery FREE

NFT "non-fungible token" 

C-NFT "certificate NFT"

V-NFT "verification NFT"

generation of NFT 1 pc + C-NFT $10
generation of NFT 10 pcs + C-NFT $50
extraordinary C-NFT including press vers. $3
change of owner of NFT $1
generation V-NFT FREE
blockchain backup changes FREE
crypto deposits NFT, C-NFT FREE
direct sale by owner FREE
eShop sale NFT base price "buyer" $1
eShop sale NFT contract price "seller" 7%, $1
the possibility of recharging the service CREDIT

price list of individual services

Wir International Register . com

user registration FREE
ID assignment FREE
item registration FREE
ID assignment FREE
updating the person's data FREE
updating subject data FREE
removing the item FREE
exposure for sale at a fixed price $1
put up for sale, waiting for an offer $1
termination of exposure for sale FREE
creating a guest account FREE
guest account cancellation FREE
display to search FREE
prohibiting the display of detail $1
certificate generation $1
transfer of the subject to another user FREE
reporting the item as stolen FREE
issuance of certificates for the courts 100$
tab preview (if not blocked) $1
full preview ban $1
account termination FREE
information verification online FREE
the possibility of recharging services CREDIT


Institute of Forensic Analysis

V-NFT verification online FREE



Supervision of Tokens

Institute of Forensic Analysis

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