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The world's first registry with online search and verification

  • 100% provable
    and nonexchangeable history which can be continually expanded together with
  • allocation of a nonexchangeable identification number
  • issue of documents by World International Register with respect to an item
  • possible long-term offer to sell and selling only for the price attractive for you (hidden price presetting)
  • authorship confirmation, inserting person identity, support in lawsuits
  • publication of stolen things – making the sale of stolen things more difficult – real possibility of returning stolen things if they are found or put on the market by another person

What you can register:

anything that can be considered an original or unique artifact with original or unmistakable features, a serial number, or an artifact otherwise exceptional or precious.


certifikace autoritou01

we provide

AUTHORITY CERTIFICATION including issuing a document and entering it into the WiR® system


transparent proof of ownership

unique NFT

online_gallery_car Online Gallery WiR® for artist

we provide the opportunity


in the World International Register WiR®


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World International Register WiR®

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