Online Gallery

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Gallery for artists. 100% counterfeit protection

GALLERY for registered and unregistered works in the World International Register WiR ® system

artist not registered in the World International Register system (first registration)

procedure for own Online Gallery

  • orders Online Gallery START via eShop
  • chooses the type of registration in the system "full account" or "anonymous account"
  • sends the text and information about himself that he wants to publish to the administrator's email, the gallery is in the language that the artist sends
  • + portfolio photos to be published in the gallery (maximum 50 items for the first publication)

for example:

  • name or stage name art education
  • field of study, short description of your work
  • information on whether he accepts orders
  • contacts he wants to publish (he doesn't have to specify any contact)
  • after receiving the order, the administrator will contact you for clarification
  • after publishing the gallery, a control output and 1x editing according to the artist's specifications


  • accepts the order by email registers the artist in the system
  • installs an artist gallery to place artist information and portfolio
  • performs 1 x adjustment according to the specification

every other item that the artist puts under his account and generates a certificate for it is automatically published by the administrator to the portfolio in the artist's gallery, including the text, the certificate of the original, matching to the World International Register ID and, for example, the price

the gallery can also be for sale, the artist can sell directly through his contact, or he can entrust WiR with representation and sales.




an artist registered in the World International Register system

procedure for own Online Gallery

  • orders Online Gallery START via eShop
  • he sends text and information to the administrator's email to the person he wants to publish, the gallery is in the language the artist sends
  • + photos of the portfolio to be published in the gallery (maximum 50 items for the first publication, it is ideal to use a portfolio not registered in the WiR system, older works, private, already sold, etc.)

for example:

  • name or stage name 
  • art education, field of study, short description of your work
  • information on whether he accepts orders
  • contacts he wants to publish (he doesn't have to specify any contact)
  • after receiving the order, the administrator will contact you for clarification
  • after publishing the gallery, a control output and 1x editing according to the artist's specifications
  • every item that the artist has registered in the system and generates a certificate for it is automatically published by the administrator to the portfolio


  • accepts the order by email
  • will verify the artist's registration in the system
  • installs an artist gallery to place artist information and portfolio
  • performs 1 x adjustment according to the specification

every other item that the artist puts under his account and generates a certificate for it is automatically published by the administrator to the portfolio in the artist's gallery, including the text, the certificate of the original, matching to the World International Register ID and, for example, the price

the gallery can also be for sale, the artist can sell directly through his contact, or he can entrust WiR with representation and sales


VIP Online Gallery - the best on offer! VIP service, everything is handled by the administrator!

individual editing of the gallery according to the options of the template, direct online and phone consultation in real time within two working days (16 hours of IT work)

20 original certificates included in the price

1 pc NFT included

admin for example:

  • enters items into the system and generates original certificates for them
  • each item is placed separately in the gallery's portfolio
  • edits content as specified

the gallery can also be for sale, the artist can sell directly through his contact, or he can entrust WiR with representation and sales

SAMPLE VIP GALLERY corresponding to the range of approx. 16 hours


do not hesitate to contact us with a question


register an account with the World International Register WiR®


fully identified account


anonymous account - security protocol

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